Let’s Unite for Culture Knowledge Nationalism and Objective Welfare Society – LUCKNOW Society

Lucknow Society



LUCKNOW society, aims to preserve, promote and resurrect the inimitable culture and heritage of the city of nawabs, revive its past magnificence as it affects a modern grace. ‘Let’s Unite for Culture, Knowledge, Nationalism and Objective Welfare Society’ – each character of the christening contains the fervor of commitment to the cause. Headed by a band of zealous lucknowites, the society came into force on 25th April 2011 sanctioned under the Societies Registration Act (Act XXI of 1860). In the four years following its momentous conception, it has worked ardently as a restorative of the city’s primal pride, acting as a crucial channel between governmental and non-governmental organizations, individual crusaders of its cause. Cultural pursuits have been redeemed from fading ruins of remembrance and records. Poets, writers, warriors, places, customs, the arts and a quintessential people all celebrated and deemed with dignity and respect that is their due. Raising and revealing to the youth the soul of the city, its true and inspiring legacy and the onus that rests on them to uplift and sustain its cultural and social renovation, has been one of its essential occupation. Up, Aware and rooted in its regal inheritance that is the society’s goal for the city’s imminent heirs.

The Society has hot in only been a non-profit organization in these past years but has also acted as an extended family to the city. There have been made several efforts in making the city a better place by the Society. Be it awareness campaigns like “Kyun Ki Shahar Hai Aapka” or paying tributes to Lucknow’s legends in “Shaam-e-Adab”, LUCKNOW Society has always been paying equal consideration to the contemporary botheration as well as decrepit complications.

Be it the “Lucknow Literary Festival”, which has been adorned with sundry of well – known names and faces that not only grace the event with their presence but also share their experiences, their insights with young and old alike, which not only solves the purpose of making the legendary writers shine among the youngsters but also encouraging the young talent to come forward or be it bringing forward the drifting dance culture of Lucknow through “Lucknow Dance Festival”.

Be it the initiatives like “Let’s revive”, “Save Our Heritage”, “Know Your City”, which are not only targeted to make the city what it once used to be but too to make the youth aware of what they have been missing for so long. The initiatives are not only in order to spread the awareness but too returning the city its timeworn glory, which it has been losing with the advancing years.

As we say the Society has always played a role of the extended family to the city, it too has given equal opportunities as well as liberty to the citizens to the express their views and perspective through initiatives like “Let’s Share” and “Ab Isko Kya Kaha Jaaye” at the same time offering them equal insights of Lucknow’s Rich language and food culture through initiatives like “Zaban-e-Lucknow” and “Zaiqa-e-Lucknow

Being a family there exist no chance to obliterate the memories of the ones who made us what we are today, our legends in various fields of life. The initiates like “Lets’s Salute” and “Yaadein” take us back in the dates to events and personalities associated to them. Encouraging the youth to come forward, the Society has been conducting the “Quiz Lucknow” strictly based on the lurking facts of the city as well as presenting the citizens with the enchanting beauty of the city through the monuments captured in the “Right Angle” calendar. LUCKNOW Society has also recently presented the city, a coffee table book “Discovering Lucknow” as well as a monthly magazine “The Lucknow Observer” which presents the readers with almost all aspects the city is known for.

Perpetually encouraging the new talent, the Society also conducts workshops like “Let’s Save Calligraphy” in order to save the dying art form, which still can be seen in almost all the mausoleum and mosques of the city. Online photography contests like “Explore Lucknow” are one of its kind contest, the Society is known for in youngsters while the renowned and the legendries have been awarded with “Pride of Lucknow Award” and “Wajid Ali Shah Award” on regular basis.